

The idea for a University Center for Chaplaincy Studies arose from the projects in which the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology (TST) and the Protestant Theological University (PThU) already collaborated. In the field of justice, cooperation has already taken place in the Center for Justice Pastoral Care. This Center has existed since 2009 and has done much joint research in the field of pastoral ministry of justice in an ecumenical perspective. The Center has a large number of publications to its name, which can be found under the heading publications. The Center for the Pastoral Care of the Judiciary will not cease to exist but will become part of the UCGV. In the field of pastoral care in the military, there was also a covenant between the Roman Catholic and Protestant services. This cooperation will also become part of the UCGV. In the Case Studies Project, both universities have been working together since 2017, and spiritual leaders from the various fields, including justice, military and health care, are already working together intensively in this project. All these collaborations ultimately led to the establishment of the UCGV. As of 24 September 2018, the UCGV officially started with the following goals:

-Offering a platform for consultation and a structure for cooperation.
-To develop a complete story about spiritual care in the different fields of work and with attention for the philosophical backgrounds.
-Contributing to the theological and social scientific reflection on spiritual care as a professional practice and as a scientific discipline.
-Exploring new paths in education with a view to developments in the various fields of work and in society as a whole.
-Developing, sharing and strengthening research initiatives.
-Organizing seminars, conferences and special meetings around questions that play a role in different fields of work and that play a role in the social debate.
-Providing its own series of publications.

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