Organisation CSP
At present, six research communities are active, five of which consist of chaplains from a specific setting of chaplaincy care (general hospitals, psychiatry, elderly care, military or prisons) and one of which is mixed (rehabilitation, primary care, juvenile care, care for those with learning disabilities, etc.). Each community is led by one or more academic researchers, who together with other colleagues form a research collaboration group. In total more than 50 chaplains and 10 academic researchers are involved.
Research communities:
Prison led by Reijer de Vries
Hospitals led by Sjaak Körver
Mental healthcare led by Hanneke Muthert
Elderly care led by Jack de Groot
Military led by Carmen Schuhmann en Theo Pleizier
Mixed group led by Martin Walton
Niels den Toom is working as a PhD student on the Case Study Project, his research looks into the question of how participation in the Case Studies Project contributes to the professional practice of spiritual counselors.
Renske Kruizinga works as a supporting researcher on the project.
The Research Collaboration Group of the Case Studies Project consists of the leaders of all research communities and the researchers: Stefan Gärtner, Kees de Groot,Willem Marie Speelman en Guus van Loenen.