
Community Care

Anyone who spends more than 72 hours in an institution is entitled to mental care, but those who are not admitted and stay at home longer what about them? For this new, ever-growing group, there is also a new form of spiritual care available: the first line. This is a relatively new field in which much still has to be tried out and structured. Click here for more information about the subsidy scheme. There will also be new initiatives that can provide a different view of what a spiritual caregiver is and does. Martin Walton is involved in an initiative for spiritual care in the earthquake area. National disasters and other violent events can raise questions of life in which spiritual carers could help. Themes that play a role here include ethics, professionalization, recovery, language and spirituality. The Center is open to master theses, doctoral research or postdoc projects. Do you want to do research on spiritual care in the first line? Please contact Sjaak Körver.

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