

Justice chaplaincy is a special field of activity. In the middle of a world of walls, locks and rules there is a place where prisoners can talk and reflect freely. A place to reflect on what is of value. The UCGV wants to support chaplains working within the judiciary by means of practical research and offering study days and courses. Since 2009 this has been done by the Centre of Justice Chaplaincy and from January 2019 the work is officially continued by the UCGV. In the research and support of spiritual carers within the judiciary, the work is based on an interdisciplinary and ecumenical approach and in close connection with people working in or at the service of the judicial chaplaincy. In the network we work together with Roman Catholic and Protestant theologians, lawyers, philosophers and in close consultation with the Protestant and Roman Catholic ministry of justice at the Ministry of Security and Justice in the Netherlands. Various publications have already been published that critically examine the field of work and provide positive support. The latest research within the ministry of justice focuses on restorative research in the theme of aftercare.
See also our publications in the field of prison chaplaincy. Expertise is specifically available in the following areas: In and aftercare of detainees, volunteer (organisations) involved with (former) detainees,
Theological themes such as evil, guilt, retaliation, forgiveness and reconciliation, spiritual care in institutions, professional ethics and professionalization of spiritual carers, monitoring and implementation of human rights in prisons, universal human rights and cultural diversity, restorative spiritual care, theoretical reflection on punishments. The Centre is open to master theses, doctoral research or postdoc projects. Do you want to do research specifically in the field of justice chaplaincy? Or would you like to organize a lecture or study day on one of these themes, please contact us.

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