
Summerschool Chaplaincy Research

The First European Summerschool in Chaplaincy Research was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands from July 8-12, 2019. It was organized by the European Research Institute for Healthcare Chaplaincy (ERICH), the University Center for Chaplaincy Studies (UCGV) and the University of Humanistic Studies (UvH). See below for presentations that were held during the summerschool and a short photo impression.

Presentation 1: Overview of chaplaincy research and introduction of the research question (Anne Vandenhoeck)
Presentation 2: Religious/secular landscape of the 21st century (Carmen Schuhmann)
Under the Hood 1: Case study (Martin Walton)
Presentation 3: Study design and the evidence hierarchy and the problem of Monty Hall (Austyn Snowden)
Presentation 4: Qualitative methods (Gaby Jacobs)
Under the Hood 2: Qualitative study (Carmen Schuhmann)
Presentation 5: Quantitative methods (Austyn Snowden)
Journal club quantitative methods (Austyn Snowden & Annelieke Damen)
Under the Hood 3: Quantitative study (Renske Kruizinga)
Presentation 6: Outcomes research (Annelieke Damen)
Presentation 7: Action research (Gaby Jacobs)
Under the Hood 4: Narrative research (Niels den Toom)
Participants’ presentations

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